
  1. Alert ping - if u picked roles in #pick-your-alerts you will get ping about hot buys

  2. Wallets + Score - more wallets + higher alpha = higher chances of making profit

  3. Transactions - number behind wallet address/ens indicates their alpha score in our system - if u wanna see how many they bought click on (tx) or find them in eth-monitor

  4. Overall stats

New Features Alpha Score Ø (#eth-buys/eth-mints) Right next to the overall Alpha Score on the alert we are now rendering the Alpha Score Ø per wallet on this collection. The higher the better. The Alpha Score Ø is IMO more important than the total Alpha Score on the collection. We render 🟒,πŸ”΄and πŸ”Ά next to the Ø for easier indication.

The base of those wallets is a curated wallet list of 120-160 wallets, based on the following categories

Last updated