
  1. Transactions buys / sales / mints overview

  2. OG Stats - ratio sales/buys can tell you when is time to sell - 71 sales 218 buys means lot of smart money still holding their NFT

  3. Overall stats

  4. Links - real time market insights NFTNerds - market analysis Etherscan - ethereum blockchain explorer, mint over concract Gem - good for sweeping NFT on OpenSea - link to detail page of NFT on OS

OG Hodl Status indicator (#eth-monitor) Shows the percentage of buys+mints vs. sales. 100% means no sales, 0% means all NFTs sold. This should give you a quick reference if it's still worth holding without having to check the OG stats in detail. We render 🟒,πŸ”΄ and πŸ”Ά next to the percentage for easier indication. We are planning to add a dumping role react soon. So whenever the percentage falls below 30% we will ping the new dumping role. (that's WIP)

Rest of changelog - new field structure for improved rendering on mobile devices/small screens - headline is clickable and leads to the etherscan link of the TX - removed all other TX links because of discords character limit - removed TX gas for buys, now only visible on mint alerts - different categories for latest TX vs. archived TX (not relevant for alert threshold) - OG stats and collection stats adjusted

Last updated