
Bot buys on

Current flipper bot triggers are: - max floor => 8 - max hours => 18 - max wallet count => 3 - those triggers are subject to change depending on market conditions

Alpha Score

The points per influencer are determined by the success/failure of our SOL flipper bot simulation. Depending on different criteria our bot initiates a trade. The influencers that triggered this bot trade are qualified for Alpha Score evaluation. If the flip is successful all influencers that triggered the trade receive an additional point. If the trade flops we are deducting a point. Alpha Score per wallet ranges between 0-20 (worst to best). All influencers are starting with a score of 1.

The longer our flipper sim runs, the better our Alpha Score evaluation will be. As an's a very bullish indicator if two influencers buy a collection and their combined Alpha Score is 40. That means those wallets usually hit. At the very beginning the bot will initiate more trades (and will likely take more Ls) because we need go gather as much data as possible. We will adjust the triggers accordingly to make it as efficient as possible.

Changes compared to ETH flipper

- new & simplified listing alert template - dynamic listing multipliers based on different criteria - modified buying triggers

Last updated