
Bot buys on

Current flipper bot triggers are: - 4 first OG wallets within 24 hours - OG hold status on collection over 70% (eth-monitor) - floor < 0.5 - those triggers are subject to change depending on market conditions. Also we comprehensive plans for making those dynamic based on alpha score/outliers/floor price.

  1. Bot triggered a buy with the third OG wallet buying at 0.1E - you don't have to copy trade the bot, you can also wait for more OG wallets on the collection. - with current market conditions we recommend to play it safe and wait for more OG buys, before aping.

  2. Bot immediately listed for 1.5x Stop loss - the floor price dips below the stop loss price - the listing price is not met within 72 hours

  1. Overall profit from flipping on our simulation (eth) - flip was successful P/L: 0.05 added to total P/L

  2. Alpha score for winning trade

  3. Leaderboard of best flippers - bot wins the trade, OG wallets on the trigger earn points - bot loses the trade, OG wallets on the trigger lose points

New update 27/02/2023 - changed setup for simulation

Alpha Score System - our own scoring system for rating a wallet against our flipper bot strategy - every new wallet starts with 1 point: 0-20 range (0 worst, 20 best) - a wallet qualifies for Alpha Score evaluation whenever it triggers a trade for our flipper bot - if this flip is successful (listing sold) every wallet on this trade +1 - if SL is triggered or listing not sold after 72hours -1 for each wallet on this trade - we render the total alpha score and avg. alpha score per wallet on each alert/bot trade So over time we should get a pretty good insight on good wallets vs bad wallets as well as on what Alpha Score it is safe to ape.

This bot is really like an experimental simulation on how to generate passive daily income with small and very low risk flips. Triggering the sweet spots. Buy in with 3 wallets, list for 50% profit and get out again. Of course someone could copy trade this strategy easily.

Last updated